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40 Things To Say To Your Child: 17-24


October 31, 2023

I know you value your child, but how do you say it? Letting them know that you value them is not only important, but vital for their development, future relationships, and especially for their sense of self. The role you play as a parent in their development cannot be understated.

Your child needs to know that you value them, because it does so much for their self-worth. For a child, but especially a teenager, if others don’t value them why should they value themselves?

This collection of things to say to your child and why it is important to say them can be your guide in communicating with your child or teenager.

17. You are valuable. They will internally disagree with this one when you say it. So say it often, and give them examples as to why you believe this.

18. I’m grateful for you. Express your own gratitude for your child. And they need to hear you say it more than once. This will build their sense of self and give them a place to belong.

19. Your opinions matter. Let them know that they get to have one, and that it doesn’t have to be just like someone else’s. A child who grows up without their own opinion loses their sense of self and identity. The message they get is that they are not allowed to be themselves.

20. Our family wouldn’t be the same without you. This one may seem weird, but think about it. Good or bad, your family would not be the same without your child. So let them know, and watch them light up.

21. You are worth it. Worth and value needs to be communicated a lot with a growing child. Find ways when appropriate to let your child know they are worth it.

22. You make a difference. They do, so tell them. The more you point out the positive differences they make, the more likely they are to repeat them.

23. You are important. Letting a child know they are important is like water to a parched plant. Children don’t think they are important. They think everyone else is more important. Tell them that they are important to you.

24. Your words are important. Show them that you value their verbal expressions, even if you disagree with them. You may have to teach them that disagreement is not the same as disrespect, or devaluing, or not loving them.

Let your child know how much you value them. Use these statements to show them.

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Todd Call
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