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A Christmas Blessing


December 20, 2023

As the snowflakes dance gently from the heavens, creating a winter wonderscape, may this Christmas wrap you in warmth, fill your heart with joy, and surround you with the love of Christ, family and friends.

While you celebrate the magic of Christmas, with the gentle glow of twinkling lights, let kindness and generosity be the tools with which you extend blessings to others.

May the gift of laughter echo through your home, and resonate in the hearts of your loved ones. And may you find moments of peace and reflection.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, may you savor each moment with loved ones, and cherish the memories that will be etched in your hearts for years to come. In the midst of all the gifting and feasting, may you remember that the greatest gift of all is one of love and sacrifice.

In a world that sometimes seems dim, may your acts of kindness shine brightly, bringing compassion to those in need. May you find courage in the face of adversity, strength in moments of weakness, and resilience in times of change.

As you gather around the fire of friendship and family, be grateful for the gift of each moment, the gift of each other, and the gift of hope that Christmas brings.

Here’s to a Christmas wrapped in the embrace of loved ones. May your days be filled with love, your nights with peace, and your heart with the magic of the season.

Wishing you and yours a Christmas overflowing with blessings and a New Year filled with promise.

Merry Christmas!

Todd Call
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